Sunday, 15 January 2012

Fruit Smoothie!

Today I made Fruit Smoothie!

It tasted delicous. There were set ingredients, but I just couldn't help adding some ingredients....

I added some tayberries instead of blueberry's, and 3 scoops of vanilla icecream, and I  have to say it tasted delicous. So as always I will give you my recipe, but my version.


  1. 100g of fresh tayberries
  2. 3 bananas sliced
  3. 1 tbsp of vanilla extract
  4. 500g ml of thick natural bio yoghurt
  5. 200ml of milk


  1. Peel the bananas and then roughly chop them into small slices. Put them into the blender and add the blueberries, vanilla extract, yoghurt and milk.
  2.  Whizz in the blender until the mixture is smooth. now you add the icecream until thick and creamy. pour the smoothie into 4 tall glasses and enjoy this simple and nutritous breakfast.

This is the finished masterpiece that tasted lovely!

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